We'll Meet Again

Well, what a quiet ... busy, interesting few weeks it has been! I hope you are keeping well and creating a new 'normal'! It's certainly been a complicated balancing act!
All my sessions suddenly came to a standstill but it's provided an exciting opportunity to get my sessions online. Something I had messed around with before but now it's gone full speed ahead! Instead of taking a session in front of a group with constant interaction, I am now standing in front of a camera feeling like I'm talking to myself! I've slowly been getting used to it with the encouraging support of members.
My new online members area has now become the court, pitch, garden, forest, studio and my stage to continue offering the sessions I've loved to teach for the past 20 years! No longer writing out session plans, I am now writing out scripts, searching for microphones and lighting equipment. I'm standing in front of a camera, editing videos and waiting anxiously during the dreaded upload...will it work!!? I'm only having to deal with my own kids answering me back - the mute button doesn't seem to work in real life - maybe one day this could be a great edition as we return...or is this what will be truly missed?
Not knowing when or if things will ever return to what we thought was normal, I will continue plodding along with my online sessions. If you can, it would be great for you to join me on this unchartered journey and who knows, we may end up better for it.